
Thursday 7 November 2013

My Country

A little unusal for me in that I'm going to talk politics.

Anyone who known me for any amount of time is of the knowledge of that I am what you would class as a rampant Left-Wing Warhawk Nationalist Republican and I have no problem with articulating my views.

I consider myself Scottish, not British and have always felt this way.

I think that the current political set-up both North and South of the border are corrupt and out of control.

I think that far too many of the elite of England have a say in how my country is run.

I know my country pays more tax per person than we recieve back.

I know that the Oil of the North Sea won't sustain my country for as long as anyone claims, I also know that the Nationalist's projections are far closer to the truth than any Tory or Labour government has ever claimed.

I know that a disproportionate amount of Scottish blood has been spilled for the United Kingdom than the English.

The bullshit that's spilling from England about the shipyards if we become independant is a pure falicy, that the armed forces of the United Kingdom don't contract out to other countries to build their equipment is pure fiction, and as if it matters, if we become independant we're going to need 25 warships of our own, which will keep Scottish Shipyards in buisness for years to come, if we become independant there won't be English shipyards to pick up the slack, and again as if it matters, the yards are already using their knowledge for sustainable energy that no English led goverment would ever let us continue with if we didn't have our own devolved government that can tell them to go fuck themselves.

A lot of people say oh, we have a devolved goverment that does lots of things that we wouldn't get to do if it was purely up to the English, so why rock the boat. If you vote no, Whitehall and Westminster will take it as a sign that Holyrood isn't working and tear away the powers that it already has, the last time there was an Independace referendum the bastards took away every single thing they could get away with, we got Maggie Thatcher and two decades of Tory governments who stripped away every industry they could think of to try and kill us off, like every silver spoon fed government the English have ever had have tried to do to us.

Next year is the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, which is of significance but we weren't truly independant of English rule for another sixty odd years until we were sold up the river by James the VI in his power grab that's known as the Treaty of Union in 1707. That's right we've been getting sold up the river for over three hundred years.

I'll be honest I consider anyone, if you are born and bred in my country or have lived in my country your whole life, who have lived through successive Conservative and Labour governments that don't give a shit about my country, and have read all the papers and information written by both sides of the argument and those learned members of both camps who have written papers on the issues involved in the referendum, and still vote No, a Traitor.

But then that's my opinion, I was raised to be a proud Scotsman, and also believe I was raised to be a Proud Nationalist and Republican.

Oust the Queen
Oust Westminster
Get rid of the United Kingdom


Freedom for the Kingdom of Scotland

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