
Thursday, 20 June 2013

Been a While

Hey folks,

So it's been a while since I blogged, and I thought maybe I should about now.

My PC died it's final death after six years of use and the laptop died within a couple of weeks of that , not long before my back-up drive went caflooy with all my work gone, that which wasn't backed up in emails was gone, the whole second draft of Burn, Forest City, Burn which was a couple of chapters and fixes from completion, gone, the typing up of half a dozen other ideas, gone, dozens of short stories, gone, five years worth of research into various things, gone. So you can imagine I wasn't the most pleasant of people to be around for a couple of weeks until I had a new plan. Quite a bit of the writing was written down before it was typed up so all was not lost, but a hell of a lot was my usual off the cuff, fly by the seat of my boxers writing and that's all gone now, never to be seen again.

It took ages for them to figure out what was wrong with the Laptop and still aren't sure what is wrong with the bloody PC, I go the laptop back but still not replaced the PC yet, frankly I'm probably better off, I get more work done without the distractions, not able to play STO, LOTRO, Skyrim or Football Manager, that's a solid thirty hours a week that can be used towards doing other things. 

No PC meant no gaming, and it took me almost a month and a half to remember my Playstation 2 (Never bought a console from the last generation, never saw the point when most of the games on consoles are on PC anyway, the Xbox exclusives tend to come out on the PC a year later as well, so what's the point, and I like my keyboard and mouse controllers, much more flexible than a control pad). Still got about fifty games for it, with many classics like Prince of Persia, God of War, Hitman, Metal Gear Solid, Red Faction among others and the first game I play, Quidditch World Cup, I really don't know what's wrong with me sometimes, it's like I've got a compunction to do weird things. The next game I played was Masters of the Universe, which is an absolute classic (sarcasm), which I have no idea why I bought it. I think there was a 5 for £30 offer in Game at one point and I was stuck on the fifth game, I saw that and thought, I'll buy that.

That's enough of the past, currently using Dropbox for back ups, straight from the computer to the web, no more big ass usb external drive, no more fucking about with the little USB drives and if a computer dies, just install Dropbox on another 'puter and walla me files are all there. Also easily shared with the people that are alpha readers of my work.

Still can't even look at Burn at the moment, every time I try I just want to curl up into the fetal position and cry, fortunately a lot of the work was hand written and I know what needs taken out and where things need work, it's just doing it is the issue.

I'm working on a couple of other books at the moment, one a Military Sci-fi and the other an Epic Fantasy at the same time I'm got invited to do another submission for another Kristell Ink Charity anthology, this time based around the gods of Olympus, got a tailor made main character for that :). In addition, I've decided to write a whole load of submissions for magazines and anthologies of Sci-fi and Fantasy, which means the next six months are going to be a tad on the hectic side.

I'm also working on the rules systems for a space combat game for my military Sci-fi book series and a wargame for me epic fantasy series. It's hard, but I thought, I've been playing the games for twenty odd years I ought to be able to through together a couple of sets of rules, cross marketing them with the books when they get released. (I know most of the time I'm a pessimistic old codger, but with the writing I don't get pessimistic, even if sometimes the writing is pessimistic).

Oh, yeah, Star Trek: Into Darkness is fuckin awesome, as is Man of Steel, if you haven't seen either of them go see them, I don't know where the critics got the average ratings they've been giving Man of Steel, so it messes with the origin story a little, I think it was smart the way they've done it. Even if you are a Trekkie that hates the idea of the alt Universe, you must see Into Darkness, while it is not as good as Wrath (But come on, how could you better Wrath of Khan) but still an awesome movie with plenty of call backs to the old movies.

Anyway, that's going to be me for this post.

See ya.

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