
Wednesday, 6 March 2013

It's ma Birthday

Yes, today I turn 30, and unlike most people I'm sure would do, I'm not going to look back at my life so far with nostalgia, I have plenty of that when I bump into old workmates or friends that I haven't seen in ages, and I get nudged towards the nearest decent pub for a quick drink and a blether before they have to go meet their significant other or get their sprogs. Me on the other hand, I just go to my pub, the pub that I tend to end up in even if I've been elsewhere in Glasgow on a night out, Rufus T. Firefly, my spiritual home, where half of my best writing is conducted, while heavily under the influence of Pints of Strongbow Cider or very occasionally double vodkas.

No, today I am looking to the future, and hopefully by the time I hit 31 being on my way to publishing Burn, Forest City, Burn, (since I haven't bothered my ringhole doing any editing, because I've been busy on other stuff, in the past four weeks, I really have to get on that) or one of the other novels I'm in the midst of writing.

Also by that time maybe I'll have met my future wife, but I highly doubt that, you have to actually bother your arse chasing skirt to do that, something I can't really be arsed with. I'm as shit at it as I ever was, well maybe not as bad as I was when I was a spotty, bumbling 16 year-old with no clue about life, all I could talk about was Football, Ice Hockey and RPG's but at least now I have added several more topics to my repertoire, like more sports, different types of games, comics, fantasy and sci-fi in general, but also current affairs and by that not who the lastest media darling is dating, instead why on the Gods' green fuckin Earth would the Congress of the United States which in my opinion is filled with the biggest bunch of backwards, moronic, Right Wing Conservative and Bleeding Heart Liberals yahoos you could ever meet, would take two weeks off that would coincide with their fuckin government going broke

 Yes, I am a massive geek, so what, I'm also highly intelligent, just foul mouthed and never know when caution is the better part of valor, the number of jobs or units I've been removed from for saying far too much or bollocking the wrong person, is more than I can count on my fingers and toes.

All I want to do today is veg and booze, so I will bid you a good day

Sunday, 3 March 2013


Yeah, so it's been a couple of weeks since the last post and I have been writing but I still have not even bothered editing Burn since I decided I'd have this round of edits done by my 30th which is on Wednesday, so I'm not holding my breath on that one. I've been working on other things, but also I've been reading a lot, mostly stuff that I've already read, re-read the Vatta's war books, and some others, but a few things for my friend who runs a publishing imprint, read some good stuff, some not so good stuff and some truly terribly written crap.

I've been re-reading the books by a guy called Clive Owen, former Bobby (that would be Police officer in Great Britain, not that it's so great), he wrote four books about Police and policing in the late 70's, and they are top of the drawer fan-fuckin-tastic, they are hilarious, at times a little disturbing but I read them and can see in the cops in the book cops I personally know, and pine for the good old days when crooks got what they deserved and got treated like the scum they are.

 Most people who know me know I'm a fairly liberally minded person but I come down on the fairly harsh side of law and order, scum should be treated that way, and should reap what they sow, but then we have had too many bleeding heart liberals campaigning on behalf of us all that say criminals are humans too and should have all the rights everyone else, WRONG, they are thieving, murdering, raping scum and thus they should be treated accordingly. But thanks to bleeding hearts we are in a position where Criminals live far better lives in prison, they get there TV's, there games consoles and their satellite TV and three square meals a day, so they commit crimes they go to back to the cushy life. I mean shit, there was a massive kick up by bleeding hearts in the last election how prisoners weren't getting to vote, nor fuckin should they, they're criminals, personally I think if you've been convicted of any crime that requires any jail time at all you shouldn't get to vote at all, no matter if you've done your probation, voting should be the right for behaving like a proper member of society your whole fuckin life but what the fuck do I know. 

Anyway, got off on a tangent there. So, Clive Owen's first book in the series is called Horse's Arse, read it, it's good. And I'm going to go do something else, like got to sleep maybe since it's after twenty past three in the am.